On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
BP501T Medicinal Chemistry- II
- Recall the classification of drugs obtained by natural and synthetic route.
- Explain the biological targets for medicinal compounds.
- Apply the knowledge of biochemical processes to understand the mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of drugs.
- Understand the relationships between structure of compound and its activity.
- Discuss the significance, advantages and limitations of drugs.
BP502T Industrial Pharmacy-I
- Apply theoretical knowledge for development of various dosage forms.
- Solve incompatibility & degradation problem of drugs.
- Analyze relationships between environmental factor and dosage form instability.
- Explain comparison between different dosage form and their needs for community.
- Elaborate rational use & safety use of dosage forms.
BP503T Pharmacology-II
- Relate the relative pros and cons in the use of drugs for various cardiac complications.
- Illustrate the drugs acting on hematopoietic system, shock diuretics and anti-diuretics.
- Identify the role of autacoids and related drugs.
- Analyze and summarize the drugs acting on endocrine system.
- Predict principles of bioassay and to construct the bioassay methods of various compounds.
BP504T Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry-II
- Know the origin of various phytochemicals.
- Classify crude drugs from various phytochemical classes.
- Explain pharmacognostic account of crude drugs from phytochemical classes.
- Compare methods of extraction & underlying rationale of qualitative and quantitative analysis of various phytochemical classes.
- To know the modern extraction, isolation and identification and characterization techniques.
BP505T Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence
- Recall the pharmaceutical legislations, ethics, right to information, medical termination of pregnancy and intellectual property rights.
- Relate the significance of Drugs and cosmetics act 1940 and its rules 1945 in relation to import and manufacture of drugs.
- Understand the functions of pharmacy councils and implementation of education regulations in pharmacy.
- Discuss the salient features of drugs and magic remedies act, prevention of cruelty to animals act and drugs price control order.
BP506P Industrial Pharmacy-I
- Identify various pathways of drug degradation through experiment.
- Solve the problem related to dispersion system by choosing appropriate excipients.
- Design and development modern dosage forms.
- Evaluate dosage form as per regulatory guidelines.
- Improve shelf life of life saving drug for community.
BP507P Pharmacology-II
- Understand the concept of in-Vitro Pharmacology.
- Study the methods employed in in-Vitro Pharmacology.
- Evaluate the effect of drugs in preclinical models.
- Determination of drug concentration by bioassay.
BP508P Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry-II
- Identify the parts of plants from its morphological & microscopical features. Slot Thailand
- Able to conduct extractions/isolations of phytochemicals.
- Able to separate, identify phytochemicals by chromatography & judge its quality relevance.
- Judge significance of chemical evaluation & its quality relevance.